Generation Z: On the Move
A.H. Oct. 6, 2019 Generation Z: On the Move
With Baby Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Millennials working to find common ground in a wide range of professional ideals and expectations, where does Generation Z fit-in? Recently, CNBC proposed that as Generation Z enters the US workforce, they will account for close to 61 million of the nation’s career professionals, which is quite substantially larger than Gen- X. A number that big means that an entire era of workplace practices will soon be changing, again. The question is, how many organizations are ready to make the changes needed to welcome the new kids on the block?
Generation Z is considered those born between 1997 and 2015. Unlike Millennials, who experienced modern technology grow up steadily alongside them, Generation Z is the first exclusively digital generation. This accessibility to technology has equipped Generation Z with a level of tech-savviness that surpasses all previous generations. Perhaps, explaining why 90 % of Generation Zers prefer to have a Millennial (their technology-minded counterpart) as a leader or manager.
So how do business leaders and organizations run by older generations adapt to this brand-new group of innovative professionals?
Tuning in and understanding is the best way to equip any organization for Generation Z. Here are three key characteristics Generation Z considers essential in the workplace.
1) Authentic Work Relationships: When you think of Generation Z, you may imagine a young 20 something with their face glued to a smartphone. However, even though this generation was born into a digital world, they crave face to face relationships filled with genuine interest. 72% of Generation Zers look for leaders who are not only driven but able to build authentic relationships with their employees.
2) Consistent Feedback: Around 60 % of Generation Z prefers regular feedback from there supervisors throughout the workweek. 40% of this group favor even more feedback by preferring daily touch bases with their manager. This type of feedback isn’t to be confused with criticism or browbeating. These sessions consist of positive, constructive, and guided feedback on their work.
3) Work-Life Balance: From flexible schedules to remote work; both Millenials and Gen Zer flourish with a stable work-life balance. More and more employers are using flexible schedules as a recruiting incentive to attract these new generations. 77% of the modern workforce is more apt to choose an employer with a more considerable extension of flexibility than one offering higher pay and a rigid 9-5 schedule.
It’s clear there will be some challenges for companies as far as transitioning into an environment that encourages Gen Zers in the years to come. (We won’t even start suggesting what working relationships are going to look like with Generation Alpha). But the good news is there are steps you can take now to help successfully start the transition process.
Start a conversation; host or sponsor a networking event for young adults.
Do some internal reflection on areas your company could begin to incorporate more work-life balance.
Finally, enlist the help of a seasoned recruiting firm like Pedagog to help bridge the gap in encouraging a younger generation of candidates to join your organization.
Comment below to let us know your thoughts and experiences when preparing and working with multigenerational groups in the workplace.