Resumes & Interviews: Marketing & Sales
Jeff’s thoughts on Resumes & Interviews:
Think about your resumé as a marketing piece. It should tell enough of your story to hook someone’s attention but no more. And once you’ve accomplished the goal of hooking their attention; then they invite you in to learn more. Even if they tell you they wish you would have provided more information in your resume, think, to yourself, it accomplished its goal. That’s exactly what you wanted to do. Tell enough information that they’re interested and want to learn more. But don’t try to tell the whole story, because you can’t possibly do that in a one, two, or three-page document.
If you’re successful with marketing you move into the ” sales process “. What’s the sales process? The sells process is interviewing. So now you’re going on an interview to meet with a potential customer and trying to convince them to buy your product (you as a professional). And so, you go through the sales process (the interview process). At the same time, you’re gathering market information, you’re learning about yourself, you’re learning maybe what you could’ve said better or different to have done a better job of convincing that customer to buy.
And, if you’re successful you’ll be able to close that sales transaction. Ultimately what is that? That’s an offer.
So think about a resume as marketing. Think about the interview process as the sales process or even market research, and you’ll be quite successful.
What are your thoughts on using Resumes & Interviews as a means of marketing yourself? Does this work for Phone Interviews?