Extrovert vs. Introvert

Have we unknowingly created an Extrovert vs. Introvert environment? No doubt you’ve noticed that recent hiring tactics focus on a “personal sales pitch” and how to “sell” yourself in an interview. However, many individuals fall into the category of an introvert, and while they are fully capable of handling the position, it becomes challenging to market themselves in an interview. Meanwhile, extroverts seemingly have an unintentional leg-up in the hiring process, with a knack for self-selling. 

  Recent studies have concluded that most of our hiring processes favor the extrovert candidate, awarding charismatic confidence and fast-talking sales pitch summaries. Yet, the same research concludes introverts are much more likely to outshine as leaders, especially in project contributions. This is partly due to the introvert’s natural abilities in creative thinking and keen approach to listening to their peers.  

 So how do companies help provide a hiring process that serves both types of individuals?  

Here are a few easy changes to incorporate: 

Give a heads up on your interview process

  While extroverts are quick to respond to curveball questions, a qualified introvert may feel overly rushed and come up short-handed. So instead of a curveball, help both groups prepare by sending an email before the interview, laying out items you will be looking to go over.

Eliminate panel or group interviews

  Even extroverts may feel intimidated by a panel or group interview, causing unnecessary anxiety. Remember, you are interviewing, not conducting an interrogation. If the assignment requires multiple individuals to speak with a candidate, provide one-on-one scenarios with each and allow downtime after. 

Be gracious with time to respond

  A hurried explanation isn’t always an accurate one. Instead, allow a candidate time to reflect on their response and give moments to elaborate or take a pause.

These are only some of the ways to help even the playing field and eliminate the feel of extrovert vs. introvert. To learn more, check out this article by LinkedIn’s Talent Blog.

What are your thoughts on the battle of extrovert vs. introvert? Join the conversation here to see what others have shared, and leave your comments as well.